Fall 2022 schedule

August 26, 2022: Risa Murase, UNC-Chapel Hill, “From Them to Us? The Interaction of Law and Media Framing of Immigrants in 1987-1990 and 2016-2019 Japan.”
September 9, 2022: Jacob Conley, UNC-Chapel Hill, “The Consequences of Disruptive Tactics for Social Movement Organization Coalitions.”
September 20, 2022: Jennifer Earl, University of Arizona.
October 7, 2022: Erica Janko, UNC-Chapel Hill, “Aging and the Politics of Care: Systems of eldercare in a southeastern metropolitan area.”
October 28, 2022: Ken Kowalski, Adam Lilly, and Tianhao Zhang, UNC-Chapel Hill, “Meritocracy, Genetics, and the Political Framing of Stratification Research: A Survey Experiment about Redistribution Preferences.”
November 10, 2022: Andrew Davis and Adam Goldfarb, NC State University, “Buttoned up Emperors: Fragile Charisma and Academic Freedom in Cross-National Context.”

About Charles Kurzman

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